Creating a masterpiece often entails grappling with challenges, and for Nobuo Uematsu, the renowned composer behind the unforgettable soundtrack of Final Fantasy 7, crafting Sephiroth’s iconic theme, “One-Winged Angel,” was no exception. In a recent interview with the Japanese YouTube channel NewsPicks, Uematsu shed light on the arduous process he underwent to bring this villainous motif to life.
Uematsu confessed that he found himself consumed by thoughts of Sephiroth, the enigmatic antagonist of Final Fantasy 7, during the composition phase. Like a persistent shadow looming over his creative endeavors, Sephiroth occupied his mind incessantly, making it difficult for Uematsu to focus on anything else. “One-Winged Angel” wasn’t simply a melody; it was a manifestation of his relentless contemplation of this character.
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